Research has shown that cell phone use for adolescents is on the rise and that it is contributing to negative consequences for their academic and social-emotional growth. To mitigate the challenges posed by this technology, FCS is instituting a no cell phone policy.
An electronic communication device creates a disruption to the academic day. It is the desire of the faculty and staff to provide a learning environment that will help students do their very best.
Students may bring cell phones to school but must turn them in to their homeroom teacher once they arrive in the classroom.
Students caught using a cell phone will surrender the phone to their teacher. A confiscated device will be kept by the teacher and the student will be responsible for retrieving the device at the end of the school day. If a student is caught using a cell phone during the school day a second time, the phone will be confiscated and given to the principal. A parent may pick up the phone at the end of the day. If the student continues to disregard this policy, a conference with a parent will be scheduled to discuss further action.
If students bring a device to the campus or on a school-sponsored trip, they are personally responsible for the security of their electronic communication devices. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of such devices.
If a student must have a cell phone for health reasons, his or her parent must schedule a meeting with the principal to make arrangements for the exception. In this case, the cell phone must remain in the student’s backpack or packed away in a bag on or near the student. The device may only be used for health purposes.
Smartwatches may be worn on campus but may NOT be connected to the internet or have the capability to make calls. If a student misuses a smartwatch during school hours, a discipline report will be filed, and the student will not be able to wear the watch to school any longer.
In case of an emergency or illness, permission from the student’s teacher must be obtained to use the office phone.
When inquiring about a late ride or other after-school issue, students may use personal cell phones 15 minutes after their class is released for the day.